CodeProject | An alternative to CodeGuru, again with loads of sample code, articles and discussion boards. | | Microsoft's VC++ newsgroup. | | Microsoft's MFC newsgroup. | | Public MFC newsgroup. |
Microsofts VC++ page | Microsoft's VC++ page. |
PJ Naughters home page | The authors very own homepage including links to a number of projects I have developed. |
MSDN Online | All the latest and greatest development news from Microsoft. |
RogueWave | Publishers of a number of well known commercial MFC extension libraries. |
Interface Technologies | Contains some programming and computer-related topics such as Visual C++, MFC, and Windows NT |
Mime++ | A C++ class to encapsulate MIME. | | A number of interesting MFC and SDK apps most including source code. |
Kinook Software | Home of Visual Build, build management software for Windows and web developers. Thanks. | | wxWidgets home, a freeware C++ class framework for GUI development. | | Producers of an MFC extension library called Prof-UIS, enabling applications to be provided with an up-to-date user interface. |
UCanCode software | Home page of Xtreme Diagram++ MFC Library with full source code | | Forum Based Web site with information on C, Win32, C++, MFC and C# Tutorials | | Gigasoft, Inc. Makers of MFC, ActiveX, DLL, and .Net Charting Tools. |