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CCPUTicker LogoCCPUTicker v1.26 An ultra high precision MFC timing class for Pentium or greater CPU's (Obsolete)

This class implements an MFC wrapper class for the Pentium-specific time stamp counter which can be accessed using the "RDTSC" assembly language instruction. This counter has a resolution in terms of PCLKS (processor clocks) so if you have a 2000 MHz CPU then this class will give a frequency of 2000 MHz. The value returned is a 64 bit integer so assuming your CPU runs at 2000 MHZ, the value will take roughly 300 years to roll over. As the value also starts counting from 0, the value returned is the number of CPU ticks since the computer was turned on i.e. the "UP" time.

Because the timer is part of the CPU hardware, it is unaffected by processor activity and workload.

The class itself was developed originally by J.M.McGuiness and continues to be co-developed by both authors.

The enclosed zip file contains the CCPUTicker source code and also includes a simple MFC message box based demonstration application which will time the accuracy of a call to the SDK call "Sleep(1000)" and also report how long your machine has been "Up".





28 December 2016

4 September 2007

v1.26 (24 December 2006)

v1.25 (23 February 2004)

v1.24 (30 January 2001)

30 July 2000

v1.23 (17 May 2000)

v1.22 (3 December 1999)

27 January 1999

21 January 1999

V1.2 (14 January 1999)

V1.21 (14 January 1999)

V1.1 (16 July 1997)

V1.0 (26 March 1996)