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FOStation v1.16 An Open Source Windows service to collect data from Fine Offset Compatible Weather Stations (Obsolete)

First off, you may ask why write another piece of Weather Station software when there are many fine ones available such as weewx, wview, pywws, & CumulusMX. Weewx and pywws are developed in Python and are very feature complete, while CumulusMX is for Windows but is no longer under active development. What I wanted was a low footprint Windows based application which simple stores the received weather records to a standard database. I also wanted my application to run as a Windows service and not bother with any UI infrastructure instead preferring to leave that to third party tools. Leaving the UI / reporting infrastructure out reduces the amount of code required massively. Instead you can develop custom reporting applications using existing mature technologies such as SQL Server Reporting Services. FOStation is designed with these goals in mind and should work with any Fine Offset compatible weather stations such as those manufactured by Aercus, Ambient Weather, DAZA, Elecsa, Fine Offset, Froggit, Maplin, Sinometer, Tycon & Watson. Personally I have a Aercus WS3085 weather station (and previously a WS3083) which I have tested FOStation with. The service is implemented with STL and ATL with no MFC dependencies with Visual C++ 2019.




Plotly Web Application

Current Conditions

 High / Low / Average Table

 Temperature Graph

 Temperature and Humidity Graph

 Humidity Graph

 Wind Speed Graph

 Wind Direction Graph

 Precipitation Graph

 Pressure Graph

 Illuminance Graph

 UV Graph


The enclosed zip file contains the VC 2019 source code and pre compiled binaries for x86 and x64.





3 September 2024

v1.16 (11 February 2024)

v1.15 (30 October 2023)

6 February 2023

v1.14 (26 November 2022)

v1.13 (29 October 2022)

v1.12 (5 August 2022)

v1.11 (1 August 2022)

v1.10 (19 January 2022)

v1.09 (29 October 2021)

v1.08 (9 April 2021)

v1.07 (14 January 2021)

v1.06 (23 December 2020)

v1.05 (8 April 2020)

v1.04 (28 December 2019)

v1.03 (5 November 2019)

v1.02 (31 October 2019)

v1.01 (17 September 2019)

v1.0 (7 September 2019)