GPSLIB v1.03a An SDK to add GPS support to
your Windows applications (Obsolete)
- Can be used by any development environment which supports calling Windows
DLLs including VB, VBA, C, C++, Fortran and Delphi.
- Fully supports the UNICODE programming model.
- Provides a control panel applet which is used to add, configure and remove
GPS receivers on the client's computer.
- Simple API which is similar to function calls in the Win32 SDK API, meaning
that it should be familiar to Windows developers.
- Full source code is provided to allow you to step into the GPSLIB source
code while debugging.
The enclosed zip file contains the GPSLIB source
code, demo programs and online documentation. You will need Visual C++ 5 or
later to build the DLLs, control panel applets and exes as this distribution does
not include any binary files. This is to help keep the download size to an absolute
minimum (77k).
Pre-Built Binaries
For those developers who want to use GPSLIB but do not have Visual C++ to hand
to allow you to build the binaries, this zip
file contains pre-built ASCII release versions to help you get started using
GPSLIB right away
v1.03a (21 August 2002)
- Fixed a synchronisation problem between the worker thread and the GpsGetPosition
method. Thanks to Bill Oatman for spotting this problem.
27 September 2001
- Fixed a problem where the background serial port thread caused heavy CPU
- Updated the project settings so that all binaries get build to the Bin directory
and all Lib files get created in a Lib directory
- Updated the version info's in all the binaries
- Updated the copyright message in the code modules
21 June 2001
- Please note that this SDK has been surplanted by the new
GPSCom library from the author. Please use GPSCom
instead of GPSLib in all new developments.
21 June 1999
- Extended VB sample which ships with GPSLIB.
- Updated gps.bas file which was previously causing a crash when being used
by VB.
16 June 1999
V1.03 (13 June 1999)
- Fixed a problem with the calling convention of the exported functions in
the DLL. This was discovered when being called from Visual Basic. Because of
this change the dll you must link to now is called gps103(u).dll.
- Now ships with a gps.bas file which allows you to start using GPSLIB straight
- Also includes a small VB 6 project to test some of the GPS functions.
- Updated all copyrights and version info strings.
- Updated text in the about dialog for GPSLIB
V1.02 (26 August 1998)
- Small change to stdafx.h to include afxcview.h in gps32exe
- The GpsShowControlPanel function now actually works
- Minor tweaks to the GPS Mak files
- Removed a number of unused symbols
- Change ID of a number of GPS32EXE menu items to avoid conflict with new
VC 6 defines.
- Updated all Version Infos to 1.02
- Removed a level 4 warning from the Test app.
- Removed unused toolbar from GPS CPL file
- GPS cpl file now uses standard F2 accelerator for Rename
- GPS32EXE toolbar is now shown flat
- Number of extra TRACE statements have been added to aid in debugging.
V1.01 (20 January 1998)
- A number of problems were discovered when GPSLIB was being used in a UNICODE
build (i.e it didn't work <g>). These problems have now been fixed.
- Mak file now includes all the possible build options for all the GPSLIB
- Mak file no longer hard codes output to "d:\winnt\system32". (This
was due to the way I have my development system set up).
- Some of the other options in the mak file such as output directories have
been tidied up
- Now includes ASCII release binaries in distribution.
- Minor updates to the documentation.
v1.0 (13 January 1998)
- Initial Release to the public.