CIJLBitmap v1.22 An MFC class to support
loading DIB's and Jpegs (Obsolete)
Welcome to CIJLBitmap, An MFC class based in part on CBitmap and CPalette which
provides support for loading Device Independent Bitmaps (DIBS) and jpegs from disk. Support
is provided for Loading BMP's from file and resource, loading Jpeg files and saving
to BMP's on file.
- Code is UNICODE enabled and build configurations are provided.
- All code compiles cleanly at level 4.
- Small footprint, total size amounts to just c. 300 lines of code.
The enclosed zip file contains the CIJLBitmap
source code and a simple SDI MFC app which implements a simple DIB / Jpeg viewer.
For further details on how to use the class have a look at the doc and view cpp
files and the included documentation.
- You are allowed to include the source code in any product (commercial, shareware,
freeware or otherwise) when your product is released in binary form.
- You are allowed to modify the source code in any way you want except you
cannot modify the copyright details at the top of each module.
- If you want to distribute source code with your application, then you are
only allowed to distribute versions released by the author. This is to maintain
a single distribution point for the source code.
23 December 2005
- Please note that this code is now obsolete because ATL / MFC as of Visual
Studio .NET 2002 provides a "CImage" class which implements a superset
of the functionality of CIJLBitmap. You should update your code to use this
standard class instead of my CIJLBitmap class.
V1.22 (1 August 2001)
- Now includes support for saving back to a bmp file.
V1.21 (31 July 2000)
- Class is now derived from CBitmap as before, Dropped support for ICO format
as it was producing a separate code path.
V1.2 (30 July 2000)
- Now supports loading of .gif and .ico. This is accomplished via the IPicture
COM interface. Please note that to release code which uses the GIF format, you
will need to obtain a license from Unisys.
- I have also removed the dependence on the Intel Jpeg Library as the IPicture
interface supports loading Jpegs. This means that the sample app is now just
23 K in size and only depends on the normal Win32 DLLs (including OLE) as well
as the MFC runtimes.
V1.1 (10 April 2000)
- Now includes full support for palettes.
V1.0 (3 April 2000)