v1.67 A C++ class to encapsulate Memory Mapped Files
Memory mapping is a powerful mechanism Win32 provides to implement shared memory
and also to access files though a simple memory pointer without having to implement
your own home brewed buffering mechanisms. As an example its as simple as calling
void* lpData = mmf.Open();
to convert a file to upper case.
Areas where you might find this of interest include very large database files
with fixed records, audio processing, string operations and image processing.
The other side of memory mapped files is to implement shared memory. As you will
probably know, Win32 puts each process into its own address space, thus making it
impossible to pass ordinary pointers across process boundaries. With memory mapped
files you get back this very useful mechanism.
The enclosed zip file contains the CMemMapFile
source code and a simple dialog based application which demonstrates all the functionality
of the class. For further details about the example program have a look at the BOOL
CTestmemmapApp::InitInstance() function and the CDialog1 member functions both in
- You are allowed to include the source code in any product (commercial, shareware,
freeware or otherwise) when your product is released in binary form.
- You are allowed to modify the source code in any way you want except you
cannot modify the copyright details at the top of each module.
- If you want to distribute source code with your application, then you are
only allowed to distribute versions released by the author. This is to maintain
a single distribution point for the source code.
v1.67 (15 February 2022)
- Updated copyright details.
- Updated the code to use C++ uniform initialization for all variable
v1.66 (26 March 2020)
- Fixed a compile issue in UnMapEx method where parameter was declared
incorrectly. Thanks to Steve Arnold for reporting this issue.
v1.65 (16 March 2020)
- Updated copyright details.
- Fixed more Clang-Tidy static code analysis warnings in the code.
v1.64 (15 September 2019)
- Fixed a number of compiler warnings when the code is compiled with VS
2019 Preview
v1.63 (21 April 2019)
- Updated copyright details
- Updated the code to clean compile on VC 2019
v1.62 (1 September 2018)
- Fixed a number of compiler warnings when using VS 2017 15.8.2
v1.61 (8 June 2018)
- Removed dependency on std::invoke from the code
v1.60 (3 June 2018)
- Updated copyright details
- Fixed a number of C++ core guidelines compiler warnings. These changes
mean that the code will now only compile on VC 2017 or later
- Replaced NULL throughout the code with nullptr
- Added support for MapViewOfFileEx API
- Added support for UnmapViewOfFileEx API
- Added support for OpenFileMappingFromApp API
- Added support for MapViewOfFileFromApp API
.59 (18 December 2015)
- Updated copyright details
- Added SAL annotations to all the code.
- Updated the code to clean compile on VC 2015
v1.58 (26 January 2014)
- Updated copyright details.
- Updated the code to clean compile on VC 2013
- Updated the code to clean compile using /analyze
- Reverted the code changes which made the class completely thread-safe. The
issue was that you ended up with a class which had two different synchronisation
primitives running in parallel throughout the class codebase. This design pattern
is always bad and in this case could lead to thread deadlock situations in some
situations. Similar to the MFC thread synchronisation primitives design patterns,
an instance of the CMemMapFile class should only be used from the one thread.
If you want to use the same logical memory mapped file from multiple threads
in your application, then create a second instance and simple call the MapFile,
MapMemory or MapExistingMemory methods to get access to the mapping. See the "MoniterSM"
worker thread in testmemmap.cpp in the sample app on how to do this correctly.
Thanks to "jianhongsong" for reporting this issue.
v1.55 (25 November 2012)
- Updated class to be completely MFC independent. You can now use CMemMapFile
in an ATL only project. Thanks to HaeRim Lee for prompting this update.
v1.57 (16 March 2012)
- Thread protected the GetFileHandle and GetFileMappingHandle methods.
v1.56 (15 March 2012)
- Updated copyright details
- Made the class completely thread-safe meaning that you can share instances
of CMemMapFile across threads without worrying about corruption of its member
variables. Thanks to HaeRim Lee for prompting this update. To achieve this I
used a nested class called CMemMapCriticalSection which is derived from the
ATL::CCriticalSection class. This CMemMapCriticalSection class provides for
critical sections with spin locks and normal critical sections as well as stack
based release semantics for critical sections through the use of the ATL::CComCritSecLock
class. It would be nice if the built in ATL CriticalSection class supported
this but this is still not present as of VC 2010 SP1.
v1.54 (20 November 2011)
- Updated copyright details
- Updated code to clean compile on VC 2010
- Replaced ASSERT calls with ATLASSERT
- Updated MapMemory and MapFile methods to include a new BOOL bNoCache parameter.
Thanks to HaeRim Lee for providing this nice update
- Removed m_bOpen member variable and all code which uses it. This can avoid
thread safety issues when a class instance of CMemMapFile is shared across threads.
Thanks to HaeRim Lee for providing this nice update
- Reworked the code in CMemMapFile::UnMap to call ReleaseMutex directly instead
of calling Close. This method now shares the same consistent ordering of object
creation / destruction as the main Map... methods. This also fixes an issue
where the mutex previously got released twice. Thanks to HaeRim Lee for providing
this nice update
- The whole class is now implemented in Memmap.h and the Memmap.cpp module
is now defunct and redundant. You now just need to #include the Memmap.h in
client code to use the class.
v1.53 (6 July 2009)
- Updated copyright details
- Updated the sample apps project settings to more modern default values.
- All the failure paths in the methods now preserve the Win32 last error value
- Removed unnecessary code to get the length of the file in MapFile. Also
simplified the logic in this method.
- All parameters which specify a mapping size now use a SIZE_T parameter which
is consistent with their equivalent API values.
- All calls to MapViewOfFile are now checked for failure
v1.52 (16 August 2008)
- Updated copyright details
- Code now compiles cleanly using Code Analysis (/analyze)
- Updated code to compile correctly using _ATL_CSTRING_EXPLICIT_CONSTRUCTORS
- The code now only supports VC 2005 or later.
- Removed VC 6 style AppWizard comments from the code.
- Updated the code to correctly handle "Global\" and "Local\"
prefixes which can be included with any Win32 Named object. Thanks to Gert Rijs
for reporting this bug. To achieve this the parameters to the MapFile method
has been reworked. This function now takes a pszMappingName which allows client
code to explicitly specify the mapping name
- The mutex name use to serialize access to the contents of the memory mapped
file is now explicitly provided as a external parameter to the class.
- MapExistingMemory now has a LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES parameter
v1.51 (7 July 2006)
- Code now uses newer C++ style casts instead of C style casts.
- The code now requires the Platform SDK if compiled using VC 6.
- Updated code to compile cleanly using VC 2005.
v1.50 (2 May 2006)
- Updated the copyright details in the modules.
- Updated the documentation to use the same style as the web site.
- Addition of a CMEMMAPFILE_EXT_CLASS macro to allow the class to be easily
incorporated into an extension dll.
- The sample app now uses filenames without "(" or ")"
characters in their filenames. Thanks to Andrew MacGinitie for reporting this
- Fixed a bug in the sample app where it reports the wrong filename when doing
the lowercase conversion. Again thanks to Andrew MacGinitie for reporting this
- Fixed an issue in the download where the sample file called "input.txt"
is now provided out of the box. Again thanks to Andrew MacGinitie for reporting
this issue.
- Fixed an issue in the sample app when the code is compiled with /Wp64
v1.49 (30 April 2005)
- Removed derivation from CObject MFC class. In fact the class can now operate
entirely independently of MFC.
- Destructor is now virtual.
- Fixed a bug where the mutex name which is used to synchronize access to
the MMF's data could by default have the same name for multiple MMF's.
- CreateMappingName and CreateMutexName methods are now virtual
v1.48 (23 December 2004)
- Removed unnecessary include of winioctl.h header file.
- Fixed a problem with the declaration of the FSCTL_SET_SPARSE macro which
is used in the support of growable MMF. With the VC6 WinIOCTL.h, the macro generates
the value 0x000980C4, but the correct value for the DeviceIoControl function
to enable the sparse file option is 0x000900C4. Thanks to a posting on CodeProject
for pointing out this problem.
- Optimized CMemMapFile::CreateMappingName by now using CString::Replace.
- Addition of a bInheritHandle parameter to MapExistingMemory.
- Fixed a bug in the handling of calls to GetFileSize()
- Removed unnecessary check to verify that mapping size is greater than 4GB
since CreateFileMapping will do this for us.
- Updated sample app to use a sample "input.txt" file for demonstration purposes
instead of using "c:\config.sys"
- Code now uses unsigned __int64 for specifying indexes and lengths for memory
mapping. This should allow the code to be easily used to map > 4GB on 64 bit
versions of Windows.
- Tidied up some of the ASSERT code at the top of each key function in the
v1.47 (6 June 2004)
- Fixed an issue in MapHandle where the wrong value was sent to CreateFileMapping.
This issue only occurs when you are not mapping the whole of a file, but instead
decide to perform the mapping a chunk at a time. Thanks to Nicolas Stohler for
reporting this problem.
- Removed the AppendNull option as it is incompatible with general use of
memory mapped files.
- Reviewed all the TRACE statements throughout the class
- Added ASSERT validation at the top of functions which modify member variables
- Failing to create mutex in MapHandle and MapExistingMemory not fails the
v1.46 (17 November 2003)
- Fixed a memory leak in UnMap as reported by Bart Duijndam using "Memory
Validator". The memory leak may in fact not be real, but the code change
avoids the reported problem.
v1.45 (5 October 2003)
- Updated copyright details.
- Fixed a small typo in the description of the FSCTL_SET_SPARSE IOCTL. Thanks
to amores perros for reporting this.
- Fixed a minor tab indentation problem at the start of the MapFile method.
Again thanks to amores perros for reporting this.
- Removed the unnecessary AssertValid function. Again thanks to amores perros
for reporting this.
v1.44 (4 April 2001)
- Now supports passing in a security descriptor to MapFile and MapMemory
- Now supports opening a specified portion of a file, rather than always mapping
all of the file
v1.43 (7 March 2001)
- Updated copyright information.
- Fixed problem where mutex was not being locked when read only access to
the memory mapped file was desired. Access to the MMF should be synchronised
irrespective of the access mode.
v1.42 (24 March 2000)
- Fixed a simple typo problem in a TRACE statement when compiled for UNICODE
v1.41 (21 April 1999)
- Added code to work around a Windows bug where you try to memory map a zero
length file on Windows 95 or 98.
v1.4 (30 March 1999)
- Minor updates to the style of the help file.
- Code is now UNICODE compliant and build configurations are provided.
- Code now supports growable memory mapped files as provided with Windows
2000 and NTFS 5 volumes.
- Addition of accessor functions for file handle and file mapping handle
v1.3 (22 October 1998)
- Fixed a bug in a number of calls to CreateMappingName when the classes were
being used to share memory.
- New documentation in the form of a HTML file.
- Sample now ships as standard with VC 5 workspace files
- Tidy up of the demo app including:
Made the amount of text being shared a constant of MAX_EDIT_TEXT
instead of hardcoding it to 20 everywhere in the sample. |
Changed where the timer is being created to OnInitDialog |
Tidied up the initialisation sequence in OnInitDialog |
Now using _tcscpy instead of _tcsncpy to ensure array
is null terminated |
Fixed resource.h which was causing the resources to
fail to compile |
Removed unnecessary symbols from resource.h |
Optimized the way the OnTimer code works to only update
the text when it has changed in the MMF. This means that you can type
continuously into the edit control. |
v1.2 (29 May 1998)
- Mapping a file now has the option of making it named or not.
v1.1 (20 April 1998)
- Now uses GetFileSize SDK call instead of GetFileInformationByHandle as a
more "reliable" way to determine file length.
- Included TRACE statements to call GetLastError in all places where SDK functions
v1.0 (31 March 1998)
- Class now avoids trying to lock the mutex if only read access is required
- User now has the option of specifying whether a file should be mapped with
A Null terminator at the end. Can prove helpful when you want to use some of
the "C" runtime functions on the pointer returned.