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SCardWrappers v1.14 A set of C++ classes to provide a complete encapsulation of the Smart Card API for Windows

The classes provided are: SCard::CException, SCard::CContext, SCard::CContext2, SCard::CAPDURequest, SCard::CAPDUResponse, SCard::CCard, SCard::CCard2, SCard::CATR, SCard::String, SCard::StringArray, SCard::GUIDArray & SCard::ByteArray.

CException is the exception class used and can be thrown by CContext2 and CCard2 methods. This class is derived from std::exception.

CContext provides an encapsulation of a Smart Card SCARDCONTEXT handle.

CContext2 derives from CContext and provides an exception based version of it.

CAPDURequest provides a C++ encapsulation of a request which is sent to the Transmit method of CCard/CCard2. It also provides a Parse method to convert a raw BYTE buffer into a request.

CAPDUResponse provides a C++ encapsulation of a response which is received via the Transmit method of CCard/CCard2. It also provides a Parse method to convert a raw BYTE buffer into a response.

CCard provides an encapsulation of a Smart Card SCARDHANDLE handle.

CCard2 derives from CCard and provides an exception based version of it.

CATR provides an ATR parser class.

String is a typedef for std::string/std::wstring.

StringArray is a typedef for std::vector<String>.

GUIDArray is a typedef for std::vector<GUID>.

ByteArray is a typedef for std::vector<BYTE>.





The enclosed zip file contains the SCardWrappers source code and a VC 2017 console based application which demonstrates most of the classes functionality.





v1.14 (18 December 2023)

v1.13 (6 March 2022)

16 August 2021

v1.12 (12 April 2020)

v1.11 (15 March 2020)

v1.10 (10 September 2019)

v1.09 (21 April 2019)

v1.08 (16 September 2018)

v1.07 (11 July 2018)

v1.06 (12 November 2017)

30 April 2017

v1.05 (25 March 2017)

v1.04 (24 July 2016)

v1.03 (2 January 2016)

v1.02 (29 November 2015)

v1.01 (5 April 2015)

v1.0 (28 April 2013)