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CShellLink & CUrlShellLink Logo ShellLinks::CLink & ShellLinks::CUrlLink v1.24 2 C++ classes to encapsulate shell shortcuts

These 2 classes encapsulate the IShellLink & IUniformResourceLocator COM interfaces as provided in Win32. These 2 interfaces allow you to programmatically create the ubiquitous shortcuts (*.lnk files) as well as Url shortcuts (*.url files).

The classes provides a simple C++ wrapper over the SDK API. The classes also provides auto cleanup and is UNICODE enabled with build configurations provided.


The enclosed zip file contains the CLink/CUrlLink source code and also includes a VC 2017 solution to build a small demonstration app.





v1.24 (20 May 2023)

v1.23 (23 March 2022)

v1.22 (22 March 2020)

v1.21 (17 November 2019)

v1.20 (2 June 2019)

v1.19 (1 September 2018)

v1.18 (11 August 2018)

1 May 2017

v1.17 (7 January 2016)

v1.16 (21 June 2015)

v1.14 (21 May 2011)

v1.15 (21 May 2011)

v1.13 (20 December 2006)

v1.12 (26 January 2003)

v1.11 (4 April 2001)

v1.1 (12 December 1998)

v1.0 (10 December 1998)