Welcome to VFWGrab, An application to post jpeg images to a web site via FTP or to any UNC filename from any Video for Windows device you may have installed on your computer.
The enclosed zip file contains the VFWGrab program, help file and sample ini file to customize the program.
DeviceIndex: The 0 based index of the Video For Windows device to use. By default "0" is assumed. This is only useful when you have multiple VFW devices installed on your machine.
DeviceName: This is the name of the Video For Windows device to use. Setting this value overrides the "DeviceIndex" value.Width: This is the width of the image to capture.
Height: This is the height of the image to capture.
File: This is the filename to store the captured file to e.g. "c:\temp\capture.jpg". Setting this value will override any FTP settings present in the ini file.
Server: This is the address of the FTP server to connect to e.g. "ftp.mydomain.com". You can use a IP address for this value either.
RemoteFile: This is the name of the file which will be stored on the FTP server e.g. "/images/capture.jpg".
Port: This is the FTP port number to use. By default 21 will be assumed.
User: This is the username to use when logging into the FTP server.
Password: This is the associated password to use when logging into the FTP server.
TimerInterval: Some VFW devices take a while to initialize meaning that if you attempt to do a capture immediately after creating the VFW capture window, you will get an error. Using this value means that the capture will be delayed to avoid this problem. By default a value of 1000 (1000 Milliseconds) is used.
JpegQuality: This is the Jpeg quality value to use. By default a value of 70 is used. This gives reasonable image quality while also reasonable compression.
PeriodicInterval: This is the time in milliseconds between periodic captures. Note: If you specify this parameter then the application does not exit after the first capture has been taken.
MaxCaptures: This is the number of captures to capture if periodic captures is enabled. After this limit is reached the problem will close.
IncrementFilename: If this value is set to 1 then rather than using the file specified by "File" or "RemoteFile", each captured file will be unique, e.g. "capture1.jpg, "capture2.jpg" etc etc
FTPUI: If this value is set to 1 rather than the default value of 0, then a upload dialog will be shown by the program every time an FTP upload occurs.
LocalTime: If this value is set to 1 (which is the default), then time and date stamps which can be created in the destination file are reckoned using local time. If set to 0, then time and date stamps are reckoned in UTC (aka GMT) time
22 January 2017
V1.07 (26 January 2007)
V1.06 (15 September 2004)
V1.05 (1 June 2003)
V1.03 (3 June 2002)
V1.04 (12 March 2002)
V1.02 (29 December 2001)
V1.01 (10 October 2001)
V1.0 (31 October 2000)