CPushPinFrame v1.21 An MFC PushPin property
page dialog class (Obsolete)
This class emulates the properties dialogs as seen in Microsoft Developer Studio.
They sport a push pin button in the top left hand corner which when unpinned automatically
closes the property dialog when the dialog loses focus. The MS implementation seems
to use custom draw controls which seems a shame when you lose all the functionality
provided by the MFC property sheet classes. The class of interest is CPushPinFrame
and is derived from CFrameWnd. It provides a look which is similar to the modal
MFC property sheets.
You will also need to download the CPushPinButton
class from my web site and copy in the pushpin.cpp and pushpin.h files from that
archive. The bitmaps CPushPin uses are already in the demo program supplied with
When the property page is correctly setup it will look like:

The enclosed zip file contains the source,
resources, demo program and a text file describing how to use the class.
- You are allowed to include the source code in any product (commercial, shareware,
freeware or otherwise) when your product is released in binary form.
- You are allowed to modify the source code in any way you want except you
cannot modify the copyright details at the top of each module.
- If you want to distribute source code with your application, then you are
only allowed to distribute versions released by the author. This is to maintain
a single distribution point for the source code.
26 January 2017
- Please note that I have not worked on this code in many years and is considered
obsolete. It also has a few UI glitches such as not being able to handle stack
tabs and horizontally scrolling property pages.
V1.21 (27 August 2001)
- Now uses v1.21 of my PushPin class
V1.2 (8 March 2001)
- Updated copyright information
- Updated the pushpin frame and pushpin classes to behave exactly like their
counterparts in MS Developer Studio. Thanks to Abdulah DEDIC for doing all the
hard work.
- Added support for tooltips just like MS Developer Studio.
V1.11 (2 June 1999)
- Updated code to work with the new v1.12 release of CPushPinButton
- Removed a number of unnecessary comments in the code.
- Renamed a number of project files and workspace files to be more descriptive.
- Update a number of bugs / errors in this help file.
- Fixed a small clipping bug where the push pin was being clipped by the edge
of the property sheet
V1.1 (1 June 1999)
- Now supports changing the attached property sheet through the new ChangeAttachedPropertySheet
- Did a bit of a tidy up of the source code.
- Now includes a HTML file describing the class and its usage.
- Unicode enabled the code.
- Code now compiles cleanly at warning level 4.
- Sample app now also demonstrates the new ChangeAttachedPropertySheet function.
- Sample app has been tidied up.
16 April 1998
- window now only closes if the window which is going active is owned by the
same parent as the pushpin frame. To see why this is a problem hook up help
to a pushpinframe and watch the window being closed when help is brought up.